4 or 7 weeks everyday retreat – Vipassana Meditation (Online) from 6.11.
Dear meditation enthusiast,
After a long break I am happy to offer an online everyday retreat again.
It is possible for both beginners and experienced people to participate. You can either do the 4 week basic retreat or the 7 week extended retreat. It’s helpful to decide beforehand, but you can also “extend” during the course.
Basically, an everyday retreat requires a lot of motivation and discipline to persevere. So you should ask yourself in advance whether you have the time and a “firm decision”.
If you want to learn Vipassana Meditation and integrate or deepen it into your everyday life, you are cordially invited to participate.
(Max. 12 participants)
4-week basic retreat – 6.11. until 4.12.
7-Week Extended Retreat – 6.11. until 18.12.
The appointments are always Sunday evenings. On the first evening everyone gets an introduction to the meditation technique.
Sun. 6.11. – 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. – Introduction to meditation technique (group)
On the first date we meet together. During the other appointments you have a 25-minute one-on-one session with me via Skype to discuss new meditation tasks and clarify questions. You get a “time slot” on Sundays between 5 p.m. and 9 p.m.
For support and deepening, you can also (optionally) take part in the meditation group, which takes place every Wednesday in the yoga studio or on the meditation days on November 13th. and 4.12. (please register separately).
Participation requirements:
Willingness to practice at least 1 hour a day, 2 hours a day is ideal
Willingness to observe the five Buddhist precepts during the 4 or 7 weeks
abstaining from killing living beings,
abstaining from taking what is not given (stealing),
abstaining from unrighteous sexuality,
abstaining from lying,
Abstinence from intoxicating and mind-dizzying substances, foods, and
beverages (drugs and alcohol).
You need a Skype account and after registration you will receive a link for the Skype group.
Participation in the meditation group is free of charge. All costs incurred are borne by donations from participants of previous Vipassana courses who have had positive experiences after the visit and would like to make it possible for others to do the same (Dana).
Please register for the course at philipvipassana@gmail.com