Retreat with Sayar Myat from 18.8. to 8.9.2024
The 7 to 21-day retreat is organized by Sabrina Lachenschmidt from Bavaria in cooperation with Vipassana-Hamburg.
It will take place from 18.8. to 8.9.2024 with approx. 12 participants.
Period for participation:
Registration is now open. Minimum is 7 days from the start of the course. In principle, participants who complete the entire retreat will be given priority when registering. Confirmation of participation will be staggered.
- Participation in the entire course will be confirmed immediately
- From now on registrations for at least 14 days will also be confirmed
- From 1 month (July 18th) before the course, registrations for at least 7 days will also be confirmed.
The course is suitable for experienced as well as seriously interested newcomers and beginners.
The retreat takes place at the Vipassana Center in Moorhusen, which is about 45 minutes from Hamburg. Accommodation is mostly in shared rooms, separated for men and women.
Each participant is individually supervised by the meditation teacher in the form of daily talks (report) in which, among other things, exercise instructions are given.
Sayar Myat was born on August 9, 1945 and grew up as a Buddhist in Myanmar. According to Myanmar tradition, he became a temporary samanera and ordained monk at the ages of 13 and 20 and came to Canada in 1974. He learned and practiced the basics of Theravada Buddhism and insight meditation from his main teacher Sayadawgyi U Janaka Bhivamsa of Yangon, Myanmar and also from the late Sayadawgyi U Pandita Bhivamsa and the late Sayadawgyi U Silananda Bhivamsa. Since 1989, he has focused his efforts on teaching Theravada Buddhism, using the meditation practice of mindfulness as a core principle. In 1991, he founded the Manawmaya Theravada Buddhist Society (MTBS) with four Burmese-Canadian elders. He founded a Buddhist monastery in Surrey, BC to help Myanmar Canadians in the Vancouver area. In 2004, he left MTBS to teach English-speaking people at home. In 2007 he founded the Sa-tipatthana Meditation Society of Canada (SMSC). In 2011 he founded the Chanmyay Yeiktha Meditation Center in Hope, BC. Both societies are non-profit organizations. Sayar Myat fills the roles of President, Director, Teacher and Translator at SMSC, Canada. There, people can learn and practice Mindfulness Insight Meditation in English throughout the year. Since starting Co-vid, he has transitioned his efforts from face-to-face to online teaching and has reached a large audience worldwide.
The course starts Saturday on 18.08.2024. at 16:00. Please plan to arrive between 13-15 hrs. The course will take place in the "Noble Silence".
Meals are vegetarian. All participants should endeavor to observe the nine Buddhist precepts during their stay. Work meditation will also be distributed (maximum one hour daily), i.e. you will help with kitchen work (peeling vegetables etc.) and house and garden work.
9 Buddhist precepts:
Do not kill and do not harm any living being
Do not steal and do not take what has not been willingly given
no sexual acts
Do not lie (no false speech)
no mind-disturbing substances (alcohol, drugs)
no solid food after 12 noon
no beautification and entertainment (cosmetics or perfume, singing, dancing, reading, writing, cell phone, etc.)
no luxuriously comfortable beds
to radiate loving kindness towards all beings
Daily routine:
4:00 a.m. Wake up - body care - walking meditation
5:00 a.m. (taking the 9 precepts and metta meditation)
6:00 a.m. Breakfast (mindful eating)
7:00 a.m. Walking meditation
8:00 a.m. Sitting
9:00 am Walking meditation
10:00 a.m. Sitting
11:00 a.m. Lunch (mindful eating)
12:00 Walking meditation
13:00 Sitting
14:00 Walking meditation
15:00 Sitting
16:00 Walking meditation and juice break
17:00 Dhamma talk
18:00 Walking meditation
19:00 Sitting
20:00 Walking meditation
21:00 Sitting
The time of the daily interview will be assigned as soon as the participants are confirmed.
Requirements for the participants:
The course is suitable for newcomers, beginners as well as experienced meditators.
Meditation method and tradition:
The meditation method taught is directly based on the four Foundations of Mindfulness as taught by the Buddha in the Satipatthana Discourse. The late Mula Mingun Sayadaw developed this technique in the early 1950s and the late Mahasi Sayadaw from Myanmar popularized this tradition to the world outside Myanmar in the 1960s and 1970s. The practice is the pure Vipassana method and not the mixed (Samatha-Vipassana) method. It involves practicing mindfulness by observing the four foundations of mindfulness during alternating periods of walking, sitting and daily activities: Body, feelings, mind and mind objects. Even those who have no meditation experience can achieve positive results in a relatively short time if they are serious and diligent. Mahasi Sayadaw's main disciples, the late Sayadaw U Khundala, the late Sayadaw U Pandita, the late Sayadaw U Silananda and Sayadawgyi U Janaka Bhivamsa, have spread this technique all over the world since the 1980s until today.
The course includes some rituals from Buddhism, such as recitations and bowing to the Buddha at the opening ceremony and before reporting. People of all faiths and ethnic backgrounds are welcome. A genuine belief in the need for loving kindness and compassion in the world is the only prerequisite required.
During the course, participants will wear white clothing as is customary in Thai monasteries. Please bring "monastic" white clothing, i.e. not tight-fitting and not loose-fitting
What does participation cost?
According to the Buddhist tradition of "Dana" (= generosity, generosity), participation in the practice and teaching offers is free of charge. No fees are charged for teaching, accommodation and meals and no donations are recommended. According to the old rule, the teaching should be freely available to everyone, regardless of financial background. People who have experienced the benefits of meditation practice and would like to maintain the offerings for the future can make a donation according to their own wishes and means. The courses, events and offerings are thus a gift from other meditators, previous participants and general supporters. Donation boxes are set up for teaching, accommodation, meals and teachers' travel expenses.
"Dana" means gift and generosity. It encompasses the support of those who unselfishly and openly give their time and knowledge to teach the path of calm, insight and compassionate action. Dana is a form of thanksgiving: a spontaneous, grateful offering that arises from appreciation for what has been received. Such generosity cannot be forced. It simply opens up when the tree of mindfulness blossoms and eventually bears fruit.
The meditation teacher and the organizers assume no liability, except in cases of intent, gross negligence and injury to body, health or life. Participation is always at the participant's own risk.
The courses offered are not therapeutic events and are no substitute for professional care for mentally and physically ill people. In the case of serious physical or mental illnesses, the consent of a doctor or therapist is required. No liability can be accepted for personal belongings and valuables.
What do you need to bring?
Alarm clock, digital timer (if available, no cell phone), comfortable white clothes, slippers, towels, bed linen, cash for 'Dana', flowers for the altar/opening ceremony with white or light flower color.
Where does the course take place?
Registration form
Sabrina Lachenschmidt
25554 Moorhusen, Kirchweg 4.